STERILITY means difficult or no conception and in other word it is inability on the part of the female or the male partner to produce any offspring.
Formerly and even now the ignorant society or the relations attributed the non-birth of children to the sterility in the female and ignored the husband altogether. It should be noted that in man sterility and impotence are two different terms. Impotence means inability to sexually gratify a woman and sterility means inability to impregnate her. An impotent can be sterile. For conception, only the discharge of semen with living sperms is required. It does not matter whether the erection is strong or the retentive power is long or the female is duly satisfied. The sterility on the part of the male is the absence of living sperms in the semen. Either they are not present at all or are dead. In such a case a man cannot produce however virile he may be. Gonorrhœa and Syphilis are the common and unquestionable causes of depriving the semen of spermatozoa.
Thus the first step to be taken is to get the semen tested before the cause is assigned to the sterility of the wife. If the semen is found lacking in sperms, a well qualified TCM practitioner can assist in producing them in plenty. However, if the semen is found quite normal then the cause should be treated out in the female.
Some Causes of Sterility in Females:
a. Sometimes the cause is the presence of acidic secretions specially lactic acid in the vagina and soon as the semen is discharged all the sperms are killed as they cannot live in acid. But the acidity is only detrimental to pregnancy when the male organ is too small to ejaculate the semen direct into the uterus.
b. New growths – fibroids and cancer , etc.
c. Sterility is also caused if there is any tumour in uterus or ovary.
d. Prolapsus of uterus. Uterine displacement.
e. Hypertrophy of the cervix.
f. Irregularity of menses.
g. Inflammation of vagina due to leucorrhœa.
h. Excessive and premature menses.
i. Sometimes sterility is due to the weakness of the uterus which is incapable of holding the fœtus. This weakness of the uterus is also the common cause of abortion.
Some Causes of Sterility in Males:
a. Impotency of long standing.
b. Undescended or atrophied testes.
c. Defective seminal discharges : no sperms or undeveloped sperms or a few sperm non-motile sperms ; this may be due to some previous or present disease of the testes, like mumps, tuberculosis, gonorrhœa, syphilis, etc.
d. Sexual neurasthenia.
e. Semen thin and odourless.
f. On attempting coition, penis relaxes.
g. Involuntary emissions, discharge too quick, spasms during coition, effects of masturbation, disposition to handle organs.
Are you suffering from Sterility? Don't panic; help is on the way.
To get rid of Sterility, totally, and without side-effects, you should use Terainz Healthcare Fertility Boost Pack, which are all Natural Herbal Products, consisting, Golden Six, Reishi, Eve's Comfort, and Gynapharm. (For the females) and Vigor Essential, Reishi, Lycovite and Re-vie. (For the males).
Note: All these products are natural herbal products which do not have any side effects when used. There are many testimonies which have been recorded as a result of the use of these products to treat Sterility in both males and females.
To find out everything there is about Golden Six and discover how it can help in Treating Acarpia.
To find out everything there is about Reishi and discover how it can help in Treating Acarpia.
To find out everything there is about Eve's Comfort and discover how it can help in Treating Acarpia.
To find out everything there is about Gynapharm and discover how it can help in Treating Acarpia.
To find out everything there is about Vigor Essential and discover how it can help in Treating Acarpia.
To find out everything there is about Reishi and discover how it can help in Treating Acarpia.
To find out everything there is about Lycovite and discover how it can help in Treating Acarpia.
To find out everything there is about Re-Vive and discover how it can help in Treating Acarpia.
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