There are many symptoms that are associated with ulcers. Some ulcer sufferers only experience mild symptoms while others experience more severe pains. The more common symptoms of an ulcer are listed below.
Abdominal discomfort is the most common symptom of an ulcer. This discomfort usually:
1. Is a dull, gnawing ache
2. Comes and goes for several days or weeks
3. Occurs 2 to 3 hours after a meal
4. Occurs in the middle of the night (when the stomach is empty)
5. Is relieved by eating
6. Is relieved by antacids.
Other symptoms include:
1. weight loss 2. poor appetite 3. bloating 4. burping 5. nausea 6. vomiting
If you have some or all of these symptoms, it’s a good indicator that you may have an ulcer or be developing an ulcer.
The Truth About Ulcers
Ulcer is NOT a disease. They are the end result from other things being wrong in the body .
Myth: Ulcers are caused by stress
Fact: Most ulcers are caused from 1 of 3 things. In fact, up to 90% of all ulcers are caused by one strain of bacteria called H.pylori and unless you rid your body of H.pylori, you will never truly be cured from ulcers.
In mainstream medicine, the choice of treatment is currently very limited. Your doctor really has only 2 options, both of which have many negative side effects, and with failure rates as high as 70% being reported.
Myth: Ulcers are caused by spicy foods
Fact: Spicy foods do not cause ulcers but they can make an existing or developing ulcer worse.
There are many foods that can lead to an ulcer and these foods are a critical piece of the puzzle when trying to cure and prevent an ulcer.
Controlling the root cause of an ulcer and what causes that root cause is the only way to truly heal and cure it.
Myth: Drinking Milk will cure ulcers
Fact: When you drink milk, it coats the stomach. This coating can give a temporary relief to the pain that you feel. However, the milk actually does damage that makes the ulcer worse. You are trading temporary relief for future pain.
There are all-natural treatments that are actually good for an ulcer. In fact, many of them provide healing benefits when taken at the right times and in the right proportions.
One of these all-natural treatments is so powerful that it can cure an ulcer in a short time.
You and Your Ulcer
If you are reading this article, then I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how terrible an ulcer can be.
You already know what it feels like to have stomach pains. You already know what it feels like to have that horrible ache. You may even know how difficult it is to sleep through the night and some of you know what it feels like to have a poor appetite.
Hopefully you found this article before your symptoms turned severe. Severe ulcer sufferers know an even greater pain.
They experience severe bloating and regular vomiting. The burping and gas is continual and the nausea can be unbearable.
Ulcers can also turn into bleeding ulcers which can be extremely dangerous and even life threatening.
Ulcer sufferers also become prone to bacterial and viral infections. These infections can bring on a whole host of new and difficult problems. Not to mention that they are still dealing with their ulcer as well.
You need to rid your body of the ulcer and the Root cause of that ulcer NOW before it gets worse.
There Is A Solution
One of the things we discovered very quickly was that Long term use of drugs can actually make your ulcer worse and can even lead to serious side effects.
During this time of research, we tried everything. With every new treatment we tried, we had the hope that this would finally be the one that would get rid of the ulcers forever and be able to help Ulcer patients.
We researched, tried and tested:
1. Herbs
2. Aromatherapy
3. All kinds of diets
4. Acupuncture
and many other so called cures
The one thing that all of these “cures” had in common was that they did not work.
We realized at that moment that there was not a simple answer to this problem. Oh sure there were a lot of treatments that would give any Ulcer patient temporary relief but they were always temporary.
We also spoke with doctors, specialists, herbalists, holistic healers and anyone else we could find that had an idea on the subject.
After all of this time, we had formed a very good knowledge of what and how ulcers work. We also had a good idea of every cure that was out there.
What Happened Next Was A Miracle
Janet John (Our First Ulcer patient) ulcer started in her early twenties. According to her, she noticed that 2-3 hours after she ate, she always had stomach pain. It was mild at first but began to worsen as she got older.
By the time she was in her mid-twenties, she was taking antacids every night before going to bed.
The pain was unbearable but nothing she tried seemed to make it go away. Although a little stubborn, but eventually she went to the doctor.
The doctor told me that I had an ulcer and that she should be able to just take some simple medicines and it would go away. In her own words now: "He wrote me a prescription and I was on my way. Much to my amazement the drug got rid of my ulcer.
A few years later I started developing the same symptoms. Sure enough my new doctor told me I had another ulcer.
He said that I would have to switch medicines because they would become ineffective as my body became accustomed to them.
I hate to admit this but I had given up. I was 34 years old and I was tired of trying to cure something that didn’t have a cure.
Then I got a strange phone call. It was strange for two reasons. First, it came from someone I had not spoken with in over 3 years. Second, because it changed my life forever.
You see, the call came from an old friend who was a natural health consultant that I had known since our school days.
He had been researching ulcers for several months and wanted to know if I had found any cure to my ulce.
When I told him no, he then refered me to this website. This singular directive changed my life forever. I found a cure".
Today you have an opportunity. An opportunity to finally cure your ulcer for good.
You deserve a better treatment…a healthier treatment…an all-natural treatment.
Our ultimate goal is to empower you. You can be in charge. You can put the pain behind you. You can put the worries behind you.
This package can help you do that. It will finally get rid of your ulcer for good and never have it return.
To find out everything there is about Gastrifort and discover how it can help in Treating Ulcer.
To find out everything there is about Reishi and discover how it can help in Treating Ulcer.
To find out everything there is about Colon Tea and discover how it can help in Treating Ulcer.
1. Eliminates the burping and bloating.
2. Treats the root cause of ulcers – rather than the symptoms
3. Puts an end to pain and sleepless night
4. Enhances your digestive health.
5. Boosts the immune system
6. Prevents future occurrence of ulcer
7. and much more....
Why are we so confident about these products and why do we recommend it to you! Because it works.. Period.
Alot of people in the USA,Nigerian,Ghana, United Arab Emirates and So many other Nations where we have our offices are already using it and happy with the results. Why not you?
The products also have the prestigious Kosher Seal (which makes it acceptable to the Jews. The Jews don’t eat anything that isn’t 100% natural.
In fact, they don’t even take bread with yeast! They believe in no additives. It has other seals including the Halal and Islamic seals which means that even Muslims can use these products without fear as well.
These products are certified by NAFDAC and other International Health organizations
The products are all natural and ABSOLUTELY SAFE. You are just minutes away from taking your first steps to having painless days and nights.
In less than 1 month, you can be totally free from ulcers, living without the pain and feeling free to eat without the thought of pain.
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